Design Concept:There's certain order between heaven and earth, so observe everything with tranquility and uphold simplicity; Using objects and utensils in the right ways with the ease of mind and a broaden horizon can be reached.
Honor & Awards
2011  "Invitation" Tea Table Set, won "Selected Work" of Design Section, Taiwan Handicraft Innovation. 
2011  "Invitation - Tea Table Set" was awarded Function Award, Taiwan Excellent Handicraft Award.
2011  "Invitation - Tea Table Set" was awarded "G-Mark" certificate for product of excellent design by the Industrial Development Bureau, MOEA, Taiwan. (Golden Pin Design Award)
Design Concept:
  How long has it been since the last time you observed things around you?  How long have you not stopped and concentrated on sampling a good cup of tea?  Rationalist Cheng, Yi from North Sung Dynasty mentioned in his poem "Random Thought on an Autumn Day": "If you are at ease, then everything is done with ease; One may awake long after sunrise can be seen at the window. Meanings of all things come by themselves if you observe them quietly, the joy and beauty of all four seasons affect human hearts as well."  When we calm down and feel with our hears at ease, we catch a glimpse of the natural sense of beauty that are born with things between earth and heaven, and we are about to lift our hearts and souls to a higher level. 
